Summer finished strong on Wednesday with a steamy record setting high of 100 degrees. And Fall officially arrived on Thursday with clear skies, cool breeze, and temps in the low 80s! Wow, in just a few hours such a change. Personally, I love Fall, the weather, the food, smells, leaves and colors. Truth be known, I may even partake in a "Pumpkin Spice" something sometimes. Though we are closer to cold and winter, there seems to be a pure, clean, freshness in the air during fall. It is also a time when I am totally amazed at how awesome our God really is. Have you noticed his handiwork lately? Just beautiful!!

A huge thank you goes out to Mark Long, John Morena, and Ron Marsh for braving the heat of the end of summer to build our new Play Structure. It looks awesome and fun! There are MANY happy folks - including your Pastor - that this structure is ready for action. Gretchen says the swings are fun! And speaking of action, this Wednesday, our Church will facilitate the next Home School Meeting hosted by the Blount family. I know that many of you participated in the first one. This week's theme is "HARVEST". Please join if you can. All Welcomed!

This Saturday is one of my favorite times at FCC. It is our 10th MUSIC IN THE VALE!! What a great tradition and gift of love and outreach to our community. Most of us have already begun with preparations and are ready to volunteer to make this our best yet. However, there are still needs that we need met. Attached to this newsletter you will find a Sheet with sign-up for food, and just as importantly, volunteers to help. Has it been a while since you were FCC. What better time to come home and help out...all are NEEDED and ALL are WANTED.

Also, make plans now to join us on Sunday, October 9 for our FCC Fall-Fest. We will be having our Worship in the Pavilion followed by our Potluck lunch with a focus on 'FLAVORS OF FALL" CHILI COOK-OFF! If the weather does not cooperate, we will simply move into the Grace Center.

Last Sunday we focused on the Foundation of our Faith. Foundation that leads to Formation. This Sunday we will begin to look at the building blocks that help build and form us and our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Our first building block..."PRAYER". Please join us and begin to pray now for God's presence to be felt and we are encouraged, enlightened, and excited as we Worship.

It is a BIG WEEK at FCC! I hope to see you Sunday and also throughout the week. Remember, you are wanted, needed, and most of all...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


