Today is one of the highlights of the year for our Church. It is our annual Music in the Vale. Historically, this was an event that was a thank you to our neighbors and community for their support, especially during the rebuild after the 2009 destruction of the tornado. It was also a fundraiser to raise funds to go towards paying off the rebuilding of the Church Facilities. This is our tenth year of having this fun Music Festival. And ten years later, our neighbors are still wonderful, and our beautiful facilities are paid for - debt free. So our festival continues to be a gift to our community as well as an opportunity to raise money for ministries that FCC supports such as Grace Works.

This year is mine and Patti's seventh Music in the Vale. I am always in awe and amazed at how many people are needed and how many step up to help pull off this big event. A special thank you to Steve Turner who has been involved with every MIV. To Lee Porter for his leadership and direction and advertising. (I love the look of our Posters). To Ms. Val and Ms. Marsha who have taken the Ministry of Hospitality to the fullest of getting the facility beautified and food in order. To Matt for getting our social media messages out. And to the many artists, all who have some connection to FCC for donating their time and their talents for this special occasion. And to all of you who participate in many ways such as bringing or making food, greeting folks, helping set up, tear down, clean up, provide ice, drinks, coolers, etc. It really takes everyone's help and participation to make it run so smoothly! Again, THANK YOU!!!

God has blessed us with an incredible day. It is going to be amazing... so, please make an effort to come and join us. Even if it is just for a short while. Grab a burger, a hot dog, some homemade goodies and enjoy some incredible music...all in the natural beauty of "the Vale".

I also want to invite you to join us next Sunday for our FCC Fall Fest. Weather permitting (and the forecast looks again, amazing) we will have Worship in the Pavilion, followed by our Potluck lunch. This potlucks theme is FLAVORS OF THE FALL and features our First Annual Steve Turner Chili Cook-off. (Steve is known for his awesome Chili.). Fix a pot and participate. Who knows you may win the "Golden Spoon" Award.

Two awesome weekend events that you can participate in and invite your neighbors and friends to enjoy as well. I hope to see you there.

Tomorrow you are invited to join us for Bible Study at 9:30 and for Worship at 10:30. We will continue to look at our study of "Building Blocks" of our Faith. As I say ofter, God is alive and doing some incredible things at FCC. It is exciting to be a part of them!! And if you are here, it is even better! So join us, and never forget...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


