Have you ever had a crack in your wall? And even worse, watch it continue to grow! We have. And it is so frustrating. Have you ever had to adjust your door so it will close? Again, we have. It all has to do with your foundation.

When we built our house the foundation was 1/8th of an inch to perfection. It does not get much better than that. However, as the years have gone by there has been wear and tear. But most of all the water table and rock formations under our house have shifted. Droughts have caused it to shrink and floods expand. However, though cracked or cockeyed, our house is still solid. Why? Because it is built on a strong solid foundation.

Our Faith is the same. Storms, droughts, distractions, challenges and more will come our way. We may get a little worn and used, but if our foundation is solid, and will stand tall through it all. How is your foundation? Does it need a little honing up? What better time to do so than now.

The last few Sundays have been awesome. We have had several visitors including children. Please reach out and let folks know that you are glad that they are here. Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to JO YAEGAR!!! Leading in Worship on both Sundays and especially sharing honestly with us last week. It was moving and powerful. Thank you so much Jo. We are so fortunate to have you as part of our Church Family!! Speaking of Family...

This Sunday Olan will begin our Sunday School study on the Pauline letters in chronological order. So we will begin with Galatians. Also, we welcome back with open arms Lee and Drew! We hope they have had a great couple of weeks of rest. We also look forward to hearing about the "Sing Conference".

Also, thank you Mark Long for heading up the construction of our new play structure. I am going to be honest, as I write this column we are still waiting for the delivery of the Structure. There is a real possibility that we will still be assembling the structure on Saturday and Sunday (after Church). If you can help - we need you. Also, this Saturday morning is the GraceWorks Food Pantry at Fairview Middle School. They are always looking for folks to help.

And guess what, Music in the Vale is almost here! ONLY TWO WEEKS AWAY!!! The sign up sheets for participation and items to bring are available at Church. I really encourage all of us to participate and invite our friends and neighbors.

God is alive and doing awesome things at FCC. It is so exciting! If you haven't been in a while, we miss you - please come home. You are wanted, needed, and we are not the same without you! This Sunday we will be looking at "FOUNDATION". I hope you will join us. And never forget...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie




Turn on your Heartlight ...