Turn on your Heartlight ...

In 1982, when I was in college, the movie E.T. came out. It was, and still is, a classic. Whenever E.T. felt empathy and love his "heartlight" would glow. In the same year, Neil Diamond, inspired by the movie, wrote the song "Heartlight". The chorus says:

Turn on your heartlight

Let it shine wherever you go

Let it make a happy glow

For all the world to see

In the Biblical Jewish faith, the heart was considered extremely important. This is where feelings and thoughts came from. In fact, the ancient Israelites did not have a word, as we do, for "brain". It was also where choices were made. The heart was the source of thoughts, emotions, and intentions. It was also what was broken because of sin. But as we know, can be healed and changed by accepting the gift of life through Jesus Christ and placing our faith in Him. (Romans 10:9-10). When this happens our "hearlight" should be blinding because it is so bright. So how's your "heartlight?" Jesus reminds us "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)

This Sunday we are in for a real treat. Jo will be leading the majority of our Worship. When we were discussing this Sunday I asked her if there was a certain theme she wanted to follow. She mentioned the importance of the way we view God, ourselves, others, basically everything, the way the Biblical Jews did, through our heart. So our theme this Sunday is "Heart View". You really do not want to miss this special service. (And remember our potluck afterwards.)

Last week I mentioned several things that needed to be done around the Church. If you notice the picture at the top of the Communicator, it is new. Look how beautiful our facility looks and especially the clean, manicured flower bed with our Church sign. A special thanks goes to Patti Morena, Gretchen and Mark Long, who weeded, cleared, and beautied the "sign bed". It looks awesome!!

I hope we will see you tomorrow as we look at our "Heart View". And never forget...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie




BUSY WEEK, and we need your help ...