BUSY WEEK, and we need your help ...

It is a Holiday Week, but it is full of activity and fun for many. This includes Fernvale Community Church. The next two Sundays our own, Jo Yaeger will be leading our Worship. We are so blessed to have such talented folks in our FCC Family.

The plan is for our new Play Structure for the playground to arrive on Thursday morning. We have been waiting a while for this day to come. Weather allowing, we would like to have the structure put up and functioning by Sunday. Please let Pastor Lonnie know if you can help make this a reality. Several of our members who were going to help are out of town.

Pastor Lee and Drew are attending The SIng Conference this week. This is an exciting Conference but on by the Getty's full of incredible music and worship. There are many exceptional speakers, and new music is learned. Our Church will benefit from the Porters participation. I pray that this will be an exciting life changing event for many.

Check out the Prayer Room. It is now more conducive to a place of prayer, comfortable Bible Study, and even a Bride's Room before a wedding. Thank you Marsha for you suggestion, insight, and making it happen. I believe we will enjoy its use even more.

Wednesday Night Bible Study on the Gospel of John led by Michael Card will continue. This is an exciting, fresh look at the Gospel of Love. Study begins at 6:30.

Next Sunday, is our Second Sunday Celebration Potluck luncheon. Plan now to attend and bring a dish if you can. No matter, please come and worship and then stay, eat and fellowship together.

Also, next Sunday we will begin our new Fall Sunday School study. We will meet at 9:30 am in the Prayer Room. I hope you will plan to join us.

Music in the Vale is less than a month away. You can pick up signage at Church. If you would like to donate drinks, chips, buns, etc. feel free to bring them to Church. We will soon take an inventory and let everyone know the needs. Also, plan on participating on Saturday, October 1. This is our 10th year for MIV. What an exciting, fun time and outreach to our community.

Finally, thank you Marsha Glover for keeping the Church looking so good and keeping it clean. We appreciate you and Bobby. However, this should not be the responsibility of one person. If you, our family, or a group of friends would volunteer to clean the Church one week a month or quarter please let us know. There will be a sign up sheet at Church. Get a group together and make it fun while keeping our beautiful facility that we have been blessed and entrusted with to stay beautiful.

With that in mind, there are several things that need a little sprucing up around the Church. We will be having an official work day soon and hope you will participate. This weekend we will be putting together the Play Structure - but we can always use help with other things around the Church.

We have been looking at Romans 12. One of the messages that Paul reminds us is the importance of everyone...that includes you and me. If a part of our body is missing, or weak, or dormant, the Body is not at its strongest. It is compromised from being the best it can be. And our Lord deserves the very best. So remember, no matter what you may tell yourself or any excuse you may have, you are important, extremely valuable, irreplaceable and needed. You matter!

This Sunday we will wrap up our look at Romans 12. We will be looking at "PEACEFUL HARMONY". What is that you may ask? Come join us and find out. And remember, Jo will be leading worship. I really hope you'll join us. Remember, you ARE irreplaceable!!

SEE YOU THIS SUNDAY! And never forget...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


Turn on your Heartlight ...
