This sounds like a soft drink commercial. But it is something better than that! These are just a few words that describe the wonderful weather that we are being blessed with. I am writing this early Saturday morning, sitting on my back porch, enjoying the sub 50 degree weather and the cool breeze. As I watch a few of the golden fall leaves flicker down to the ground, and begin to hear the sweet music of neighbor children's voices, I have to stop and say "Thank You Lord! And Great Job! Knowing that God created this amazing, beautiful world for you and I to enjoy Is a strong reminder of how much He really does love us!

The cool, almost cold, weather has caused me to communicate with Lee this morning. Tomorrow is our Fall Fest with our Chili Cookoff. We were going to worship in the Pavilion, but because the temps are scheduled to be even colder tomorrow with a brisk wind, we have decided that Worship will be in the Worship Center. That is the only change. So please plan on joining us. We hope to have worship in the Pavilion soon.

It is hard to believe that Music in the Vale was just last week. What a wonderful day it was. The weather was perfect, (most) of the food was delicious. (I was accused of literally "charcoaling" - as in making a burger a briquet.). And the music was excellent. What a talented and diverse list of artists. On a personal note, I appreciated our son, Zac, coming from Old Hickory on a very, very short notice to "kick things off" for us. Our daughter's band, which Zac is a part of, was going to open for the day but she lost her voice with the "crud" that is going around. So with only a four hour request/notice, Zac pulled together a few songs. "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Suede (originally from my generation) was a fun start to a great day! We counted over two hundred folks who enjoyed the festivities - including an army of children who loved the new play structure. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE THIS SPECIAL GIFT TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD A REALITY. AND A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO STEVE TURNER!! (We could not make this happen without Steve!) Mark Long took some incredible pictures of the day. Check them out on our FCC website. (Here is the link:

Speaking of Steve, I hope that you will participate in our First Annual Steve Turner Chili Cookoff this Sunday. Someone will win the coveted "Chili Spoon" trophy. Thank you Mark Long for hand carving and creating such a fun Masterpiece to be awarded...

If you don't want to cook a pot of chili - no problem. Come and enjoy anyway. And feel free to bring whatever you want for the Flavors of Fall Potluck. (Pumpkin Spice?)

Last Sunday we continued our focus on "Building Blocks - Basics of Faith''. We looked at what I call the actual "Lord's Prayer" in John 17 where Jesus prays for many. For me, it was a powerful reminder of how much He loves us, what He did/does for us, and the fact that we, you and I, were the last persons that Jesus prayed for before his arrest, trial, beating, crucifixion, and resurrection. I hope you see how much He loves you!

This Sunday we are going to take a look at "THE Manual", better known as the Holy Bible. Just the fact that we have this amazing resource is a miracle that defies all of the odds. I hope you will join us as we dig into and learn more about "the Word" as we worship.

God is alive and doing some incredible things at FCC. It is exciting to be a part of them!! And if you are here, it is even better! So join us for worship, fellowship, and lunch. Remember, YOU Belong at FCC! And most of all never forget...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


