Fall Break is in full swing! Patti and I took a day trip and met up with her Sister and our Brother-in-law in Jackson. We had an incredible lunch at the historic Casey Jones Village. The drive was so beautiful. Catching up with family and meeting new friends (those sitting around us) was a lot of fun. On the way back we took a side trip and drove through one of the beautiful State Parks of Tennessee...Natchez Trace State Park. And one of my favorite views was when we crossed over the Tennessee River. God's impressive handwork once again on display!

Sometimes you just need to slow down and get away. Jesus did this often. Scripture tells us that he would often "escape" into the wilderness. I know he spent time praying and visiting with his Heavenly Father. After his "retreat", Jesus always seemed rejuvenated, energized, and ready for the next phase of his ministry. This is a good example for us to follow as well. When was the last time that you really turned everything off and just focused, in fellowship and prayer, basic communion with our Heavenly Father. He loves it when we take the time for Him! So that is my challenge to me, and I invite you to join me...dropping the excuses, slowing down just a tad, blocking everything out except my time with my Creator. He sure does love us, actually unconditionally. He wants the best for us. And He definitely deserves our let's give Him at least some time. Focus some time only on Him and see what happens. It is definitely a game...actually life...changer!!

Congratulations to Masha Glover, the winner of our first Chili Cook-off. What a fun day, good turn out, and tons of food. We had to add tables for places to sit and for places to put the food. Thank you to all who participated. Also, what a wonderful service last Sunday. I enjoyed our "children's duet" with Jo. Definitely a highlight!!

Wednesday late afternoon was a little crazy. The tornado sirens going off sure brought back memories of a huge event that changed our Church. However, what a blessing came from that crazy time back in February of 2008. The only damage around the Church was the electricity going out and Wednesday night Bible Study having to be cancelled for the night, and a limb in the driveway. Our beloved Val was not as lucky. She had a tree crash into her deck destructively. Fortunately it missed the house, and most of all missed her. Let's keep those in our area who were adversely affected by the storms in our prayers. And if you know of a way we can help - let us know.

We looked at God's Amazing Word, THE Manual, better known as The Holy Bible, last Sunday, as we continued our focus on "Building Blocks - Basics of Faith''. This Sunday we will be looking at having an active Faith as one of our important Basics and Building Blocks. We are called to be "Change Agents". What a responsibility and privilege!

I love you and our Church Family so much. God really is alive and doing some incredible things at Fernvale Community Church! For those many who are consistent, involved, and make our Church Family so special, I say deep heartfelt "THANK YOU!" And for those of you who have not been as active for a while, please know we love and really do miss you. Come on home. YOU belong at FCC.

You are invited to join us Sunday for worship and fellowship. I hope to see you there. And ALWAYS Remember...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


Bring back the Blue Laws ...
