This weekend Patti and I have the opportunity to visit my parents, as well as go to my and my Dad's College, Carson-Newman, Homecoming. We will get to visit, break bread, and watch a few good football games. And of course, we are going to my "Happy Place" in the Smoky Mountains and enjoy the beauty of God's handiwork.

By the way, last week I asked, "Where is your "Happy Place"? And encouraged you to send me an email letting me know. Sadly, I heard from no one. If you don't have a special place to renew your spirits, I encourage you to find one. So again, where is your "Happy Place?"

I am excited to "get away" for a couple of days, however, I will miss seeing you, hearing the wonderful music by our Praise Band, and hearing Michael Card present the Word, on Sunday. However, we will be back next Sunday and ready to enjoy Worship, followed by our THANKFUL POTLUCK.

Isaiah reminds us (one of my favorite verses and words of wisdom)...

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

I hope you will join our FCC Family on Sunday. You will be in for a treat! Don't forget to turn your clock back an hour. Also, several of our Family members have recently experienced the loss of a loved one. Let's continue to lift them up and love them through these difficult times. And there are some fun things to celebrate as well, such as Levi's birthday! (Love the smiles and energy of our children!)

Listed below are some needs that we have and ways that you may be able to serve. You are definitely needed and wanted! I am headed for the mountains, where I hope to renew my strength and rise on the wings of the C-N Eagles. 😄

And, Remember...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


