How can I say thanks
For all the things You've done for me?
Things so undeserved
Yet You gave to prove Your love to me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am
And ever hope to be
I owe it all to Thee

To God... Be the glory
To God... Be the glory
To God... Be the glory
For the things He has done

with His Blood, He has saved me
with His power, He has raised me
to God be the glory
For the things He has done

Just let me live my life
And let it pleasing, Lord to Thee
And should I gain any praise
Let it go to Calvary

With His Blood
He has saved me
with His power
He has raised me
To God be the glory
For the things He has done

"My Tribute" was written in 1971 by Andrae Crouch. I was entering my teenage years. This became one of my favorite "go to" songs. A simple message of the awesomeness of God's love and gift of life to me. Fifty-one years later, it continues to be. The message and encouragement is timeless, true, and effective. And just as the song begins "how can I say thanks", my prayer is to live my life pleasing to my Lord. And if there is any glory, may it go to Him. Thankful.

Speaking of being thankful, I appreciate all those who made last Sunday special at FCC. A special "Thank you" to Matt Blount for welcoming and leading in a time of corporate prayer, and to Mike Card who brought the Word. It is always a privilege and joy to hear Mike speak and teach. By the way, I loved Pastor Lee's comments at the end of the service about "my team" falling short... But, as Paul told the folks in Thessalonica, I too must "give thanks in all circumstances". Patti and I had a wonderful time visiting with friends and family. As always, the mountains were refreshing and beautiful. (But here is a little secret between me and you ... I did miss you. Being with you at FCC is also one of my very best "Happy Places" and also a place where I enjoy the beauty of God's handiwork - YOU!)

On Friday I went by the Church. When I entered our beautiful facility it was so clean, smelled so nice, and looked so warm and welcoming. A special thanks to Patti and John Morena and Mark Long for making our facility this way.

Finally, I want to say a VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to all of our Veterans!! It is because of your service and sacrifice that we are able to enjoy our freedoms! Words are not adequate, but please know that you really are deeply respected and appreciated!

Sunday is going to be an incredible day at FCC. You don't want to miss it. Bible Study, Worship, and our "Thankful Feast" potluck lunch. Please join us!

As I close, I ask "what is your Tribute?" May it be pleasing to our Lord. Remember...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


