"Fabric of Freedom"
Forty-eight years ago, in 1976, our Nation celebrated its Bicentennial Birthday. 200 years old. In Williamson County, the third High School, Page (Franklin and Fairview were the first two) opened. That is why they are the "Page Patriots" and School colors are red, white, and blue. Celebrations were taking place all over the Country. The summer before, in 1975 Pastor Lee and I were High Schoolers and we were at a big camp, an assembly, in Black Mountain, NC called Ridgecrest. That summer we had the privilege of premiering a Folk Musical, in front of over 1000 people, called "The Fabric of Freedom''. Songs and dialogue took us back to Valley Forge , the Oregon Trail, Gettysburg, Kansas City, and of course Philadelphia (July 4, 1776). This musical was commissioned by the Baptist Home Mission Board to be used as an outreach during the Bicentennial Celebration throughout the United States. The ultimate goal was to present this bicentennial celebration and have the opportunity to share about ultimate freedom - thru Christ.
Our Nation is amazing. We are so blessed to have the Freedoms that we do. And most of us take it for granted. But Freedom is not Free. Many sacrifices, and even the ultimate sacrifice, was made by many so that you and I can experience the lives that we do. This was one of the messages that we sang about. And of course, as mentioned, our focus ended by sharing about the source of Ultimate Freedom - Freedom for ALL people - thru Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. This special weekend I hope that you will Celebrate our Country in a big way. I hope that you will pause, many times, and thank God for the privilege of living where we do. Thank God for those who gave and continue to give so that we may freely live.
I believe, actually I know, that despite the negative talk and the message of despair that many want us to buy into - we still live in an incredibly special place. It is my prayer that we find more commonalities than differences with one another and Celebrate our Freedom, hand in hand. Ultimately I pray that we ALL find true Freedom by knowing personally the Truth - the gift of Life - the Good News of Life through Christ. Again, this Freedom is for ALL peoples everywhere. So, just like we used a Musical in 1975 to creatively share this, rather THE Message, let us be creative and continue to share the Good News with others. We ALL need true Freedom. Freedom found only in Christ!
"You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you Free!" (John 8:32)
Last week we finished our look at prayer. On Wednesday night, Michael shared with us that our State Government presented a bipartisan joint resolution (both House and Senate) and signed by Governor Lee that the month of July 2024 be a month of prayer and intermittent fasting for our Nation. We are encouraged to humble ourselves and pray, seeking God's Face, and repentance while seeking His Will. I invite you and encourage you to pray, and not just in July, but daily for our Nation, our State, our Leaders, our Neighbors ...
Sunday we will look at "Lose the Chains". I look forward to seeing you then! And Remember...
You ARE Loved!
Pastor Lonnie
"More in '24"
(You can reach Pastor Lonnie by calling or text 615-496-2502 or send an email to lonniecastle@gmail.com)
Men of FCC, we are invited to participate in a Prayer Breakfast next Saturday morning in Fairview
Please let Pastor Lonnie know if you are interested.