What's Your Message...

You probably have noticed that our Church sign has been compromised.  A while back it was hit and damaged by a flying car.  (The car was messed up too, but luckily the young man was not physically injured.)  We are in the process of repairing or replacing it.  (Thanks for your patience during this process.)  One of the parts of the sign that was broken was the "message strip" - so one side of the sign is limited in what can be put on it.  The other day as I was putting a new message on the sign I thought "what is my message?"   When people see or read me, what is the message they see?   

When you think about it, our life is kind of like our sign.  Part of our message (like the Church name on the sign) never changes.  While other parts, such as the message strip, change often.  And just like our sign at FCC, sometimes we get hit hard and may even feel off center, crooked, or even a little broken.  Just like with our sign, this can affect our message.  But here is the good news, just like we will repair or replace our broken sign, God continues to fix our brokenness.  In fact, he often replaces "our sign" with something much brighter and lively.  We just have to seek and be willing to be repaired, even changed, and improved by our Creator.  When this happens our message often changes as well.

Jesus tells us what our ultimate, non changing message should be.  In John 13:34-36 He says:  "I'm giving you a new commandment, and it's this:  Love one another!  Just as I have loved you, so you must love one another.  And this is how everybody will know that you are my disciples, (our message) if you have love for one another."   So, What's Your Message?  

Speaking of positive messages...today is Ms. Val's Birthday!   With her words and even more her deeds - Ms Val is the "Ultimate Encourager!"  I know she hates that I am giving her this recognition, but I ask that you wish this special young lady a Very Happy Birthday.  We hope that this is her best year...thus far!  



A reminder,  we have a "Share the Bounty" table in the hallway between the Worship and Grace Centers.  Feel free to share and/or joyfully receive the summer harvest of flowers, plants, fruits, and vegetables.  Thank you for sharing.  There is nothing better than "home grown".  

Sunday we will wrap up our study on Prayer by looking at "Answered Prayers".  I look forward to seeing you then!  And Remember...    

You ARE Loved!  

Pastor Lonnie 

"More in '24"

(You can reach Pastor Lonnie by calling or text 615-496-2502 or send an email to lonniecastle@gmail.com)


"Fabric of Freedom"
