Bring back the Blue Laws ...

When I was a child the only thing that was open on Sunday (besides Church), was gas stations, restaurants, and drug stores. Everything else was closed. It was like Chick-fil-A everywhere. This gave folks time to rest, refocus, and hopefully, worship and fellowship. Times back then seemed easier, less stress, and more focused on one another. Of course, I was young and my focus was could we go to "The Grill" after Church for lunch, or Sunday night. Loved that broasted chicken!

Rest is so important. Study after study shows the importance of rest. But we have known this since the beginning of time as we know it. Our Awesome Creator, after six days of creation, even rested. We are told to rest as well.

"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." Genesis 2:2-3

So if our Heavenly Father not only says it is important but shows us by example. And if we rest in the Lord it can and should be holy. Wow! That takes resting to a whole nother level! I hope you will find time to rest, remember the Sabbath, and even keep it holy. A great place to experience this on Sunday is on Fernvale Road with your Church Family. I hope I see you there. In fact, did you know REST is a building block of our Faith. We will look at it closer this Sunday.

Some other exciting news. Last Wednesday the Home School group had another full house and great day! Thanks to all who helped make this a reality. It must have been great and active. On Wednesday night after Bible Study, I checked our water and we were dry. The situation of our well is so finicky. Please pray that it gets better and steady. Speaking of our Church Family, we are ready to begin a Children's Bible Study on Sunday morning. We have a good curriculum and awesome children, all we need now is leadership. Is this somewhere that you could help? We would like a team of several to work together on this opportunity. And if you feel like you are not equipped, we will help you get that way. Your availability is as important as your ability. So, please let me know if you have an interest.

Just in case you have been walking around with your eyes closed, our world is bursting in beauty. Patti and I love the drive from our house to the Church. The trees are exploding in beauty! So, I encourage you to get out and enjoy God's handiwork. I want to personally invite you to get out and take a ride tomorrow and join us at Church in the morning. I promise, you will enjoy the beauty of your ride coming and going. You belong at FCC. I hope to see you there. And ALWAYS Remember...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


