The Thunder Rolls and Lightning Strikes...
This morning, around 5:30 am, I was awoken by a loud roar of thunder and a bright flash of lightning. I continued to lay in the bed and listen to the tap dancing of the rain outside our window. Later I got up, fixed a cup of coffee, and went out and sat on the back porch and just listened. The rain was slowing down but softly tickled the ground as it fell. The birds sang in a chorus of constant chirps and whistles. And the finale was the drumming of the woodpecker on the distant tree. I love these types of mornings. One of the things that I notice is that after the storm passes how clean and pure the air and environment is. Things are clean, rejuvenated, and fresh - much better than before the storms cleansing. It is a great start to the day!
Ironically, twenty-one years ago, almost to the very day a similar event took place. At 5:57 am, on May 5, 2003, a loud, bomb-like clash of thunder roared and a bright flash of lightning almost simultaneously crashed the sky. The hottest, strongest bolt of lightning (measured to that time) in Tennessee to hit a stationary object struck our home igniting a fire that changed the lives of the Castle Family forever. Though the five alarm fire destroyed our house, it was a spectacular sight to see. Most of you know this story. I do mention it often. But the reason is that there were/are so many positives that came from what at the moment appeared devastating. Our lives were changed, but honestly, for the better. We experienced the unconditional love of family, friends, and even strangers. Not only did it change our lives, it changed others. We even heard of a person coming to know Christ because of the witnessing of true acts of love. And that person is still "on fire" for the Lord.
A few years later our neighborhood would experience "The Flood". Again, the unconditional, life changing, love was shown again - making "The Wood" one of the closest communities around. We were an example of "community" during a crisis. (We even made the national news). And our own Fernvale Community Church Family experienced this type of unconditional, life changing, incredible love after our Church building erected in 1885 was totally destroyed by a tornado on February 5, 2008. Through the steadfast focus, faith, and dedication of the Church family, and the incredible generosity of neighbors, friends, and even strangers, our beautiful facility and campus was created. The Church never ceased existing, the venue only changed. Most of us were not a part of FCC then, but we definitely are beneficiaries of their wisdom, vision, and dedication. And we are forever grateful.
The Journey of Life is full of unexpected events, and even a few strong storms. It is through these encounters that we can strengthen our faith, practice our unconditional love, and encourage others. So when the thunder rolls and the lightning strikes, be ready for some good to happen. But why wait for a storm? Let's practice this type of caring, encouraging, life changing love, on a daily basis. It will make a difference!
Moses told Joshua in front of the Israelites, as he handed the Leadership role to him, "Be strong and courageous"..."The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (Deuteronomy 31:7a-8)
This Sunday we will wrap up our look at the Book of James. We will also Celebrate Life and Freedom with our Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Potluck following Worship. And remember there is Bible Study at 9:30. I hope you will join us as we Celebrate Life this Sunday. I look forward to seeing you there. And Always Remember...
You ARE Loved!
Pastor Lonnie
"More in '24"
"May the 4th be with you!"
(You can reach Pastor Lonnie by calling or text 615-496-2502 or send an email to