The Celebration Continues...
The Christmas presents have been opened. The paper and bows are put away. Festive meals and parties are now a memory. Several have taken advantage of the "After" sales. For many, it is back to work for a bit before the arrival and celebration of the New Year. For others, it is an extended vacation. As this special time of the winds down there is a sense of closure, tiredness, and for some a sense of sadness. However, the Celebration continues...
Instead of feeling sad, let us be filled with joy and happiness. Let's treasure the warmth that we feel as we reflect on the fun and enjoyment of the various activities experienced. Continue to feel the sense of the gratitude that comes from moments shared with loved ones. Kindness exchanged. Thankfulness for the brief pauses from the chaos of life. And most of all, let us anticipate with joyful excitement what is to come in the future.
Actually, you can continue to stretch this special time even more. Patti and I celebrate Christmas through January 6, which is known as Epiphany. This is the day that the arrival of the Wise Men is celebrated. January 6 is also the "Twelfth Day of Christmas". And for us personally, it is important because it is our Wedding Anniversary. Ironically, we did not plan it this way, it just happened. But how special. When we were first married, and for many years, we would give each other a gift on Christmas, and then one for twelve days culminating on our anniversary. It was fun and a way to keep the celebration going. I encourage you to try celebrating the twelve days sometime. It extends the celebration of the Holidays and is very special.
When you think about it, shouldn't we, as Believers, have the "spirit" of Christmas living within us at all times. We should continuously Celebrate "the Reason of the Season" - Emmanuel, God with us - who gives us the gift of grace, purpose for living, and the energy and excitement to experience life to the fullest - with each breath we take. Let us love one another and our neighbors completely. And let our "light" shine brightly, illuminating the gift of love and life through "the Light", Jesus Christ. The "season" may be winding down, but the truth and gratitude that is celebrated live on. So, let's Live Big. After all, "Joy to the World, the Lord has come..."
The Word became flesh and dwells among us... (John 1:14)
Can you believe that this Sunday is the last Sunday of 2024. I encourage you to join us as we wind down this incredible year. God has richly blessed us, and continues to, in so many ways. For me, personally, one of the strongest blessings is YOU. This Sunday we will gather for Bible Study and Worship. We will look at how God fulfilled His promise to a couple of special people who greatly anticipated the coming of the Messiah. I anticipate seeing many of you as we continue to Celebrate God with Us! And Always Remember...
You ARE Loved!
Pastor Lonnie
"Celebrating 175 Years of Ministry"
Nearly 90 folks joined us for our Christmas Eve Service. It was such a special time with beautiful music, scripture, candle light, and even the sweet aroma of frankincense. A beautiful time of Worship.
Christmas Eve Service 2024