WHAT A WONDERFUL CELEBRATION LAST SUNDAY!   We gathered together to celebrate our Risen Savior.  Of course, we do that every Sunday, but Easter is special.  In fact, in reality the first Easter is the most important day ever in the history of mankind.  It is on this day that the price was paid, the sacrifice made, our sins forgiven.  That actually happened on "Good Friday" when Jesus was slain on the cross as our sacrificial "Lamb".  But then, just as he had told his disciples, on the third day, on that Sunday morning, when the ladies arrived at the tomb, it was empty.  The rock was no longer in front of the tomb, and the tomb was empty.  Why? Because true life had begun, and it began the minute Jesus stepped out into the World.  Now, the gift had been given, the gift of LIFE.  What an awesome God we have.  He loves us so deeply, that he paid the price, and then gave us the gift of Life.  And all we have to do is to accept the gift, believe, and Live.

Sunday was one of the most special days that I personally have experienced since being your Pastor for the last seven and a half years.   Our time in Bible Study with our inner-generationaional men vs. ladies trivia game was so fun.  Our children are pretty smart.  We learned some significant, and many not so important, facts about Easter and how it is celebrated. (Did you know that in Germany instead of the Easter Bunny, it is the Easter Fox, who brings goodies and hides eggs). Our children enjoyed the egg hunt in the playground.  And then we all gathered together for a time of Worship and Celebration.  The music was beautiful.  (Thank you Lee and Praise Band).  The Worship Center looked so good, and sounded so beautiful, with so many folks present.  I thank God for our beautiful place of worship, filled with such special people.  And most of all the opportunity to Worship our incredible Heavenly Father together.

I hope you will join us this Sunday for another special time of worship.  And please plan to stay and participate with our monthly Potluck.  This month it has a theme of "Italian Flair."  Also, if you are looking for a way to make an impact and serve others, volunteer tomorrow, Saturday morning, by helping with the GraceWorks Mobile Foodbank.  It is at Fairview Middle School.

I would like to ask you to please keep Scottie Blount in your prayers.  He is at a very critical point.  Pray that he can continue to increase breathing on his own, and eventually be completely healed.  Pray for a miracle.  Please keep Matt and his family in your prayers as well.  Prayer is powerful.  

Finally, did you pick up a clear "stone" last Sunday?  I hope you did.  And I pray that everytime you look at the clear, beautiful, stone that you are reminded that your life too can be clear and because of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus.  And that life is beautiful when we have Christ in it!  Most of all, remember, the rock was removed.  (Or as I like to say, the rock rolled)  And it is time to focus not on death, but on life...and to "Live Big!"

Let's keep the momentum of Easter going!  I hope I will see you on Sunday!  Stay for lunch.  And , always remember...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


