Did you know that April is National Poetry month.  Poetry is vast and diverse. There are at least nine different types:  Haiku, Free verse, Sonnet, Acrostic, Villanelle, Elegy (which deals with death), Ballad, Limerick, and  one of the oldest forms, Ode.  Ode actually comes from the Greek word 'aeidein' and means to sing or chant. Most Odes are performed to music.  There are several found in the Bible - especially in the Psalms.  The word psalm comes from the Greek word "psalmos' and means 'song sung to a harp'.  So our Psalms refer to songs or hymns.  David was quite the song writer.  And his songs are so powerful.

Growing up I loved poetry.  I often would learn and remember things by poems and songs.   Mr. Rogers, Dr. Seuss, and Shel Silverstein are some of my favorite "modern day" poets.  I love Mr. Roger's "It's you I like."   And Silverstein's "The Giving Tree".  And I can quote Dr. Seuss's "Green Eggs and Ham" - which was written in 1960 on a bet that Dr. Seuss could not write a book with 50 words or less.  He won the bet.  And of course there are the classics that we all grew up with and probably used such as "roses are red, violets are blue...   and I love you, do you love me, check yes or no... and more.  And we use poetry in our personal and corporate worship.

This morning (Saturday) I drove out to the Church.  Right across the street from the Long's is a field filled with beautiful purple wildflowers.  As I passed the Card's I saw beautiful flowers.  And when I arrived at the Church I was surrounded by beauty.  It reminds me of a poem that I learned as a child in the form of a song:

"God's beautiful world, God's beautiful world, I love God's beautiful world.  

He made it for you.  He made it for me.  I love God's beautiful world."

And I do!  Take time today to enjoy the beauty of the world around you.  You may even come up with your own form of poetry of admiration and praise.  As David sings in Psalm 150:6 (NIV) 

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  

Praise the Lord."

And in Psalm 104:24 (MSG):   "What a wildly wonderful world, God!  You made it all, with Wisdom at your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations."

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!  And Always Remember...

You ARE Loved!  

Pastor Lonnie 

"More in '24"

(You can reach Pastor Lonnie by calling or text 615-496-2502 or send an email to lonniecastle@gmail.com)


