On Monday, Patti and I drove up to Herod, Illinois to witness the solar eclipse.  We went to our son's girlfriend's Dad's home - literally in rural Illinois.  The sky was crystal blue and we had the opportunity to experience the complete, totality eclipse of the sun.  I have had the privilege of witnessing several eclipses over the years, but this one was different.   It was purely spectacular.  Just INCREDIBLE!   When the moon completely covered the sun, the totality, the corona exploded around the black circle.  It took my breath away.  All I could think about was the song "We Shall Behold Him".  I worshipped.  It is no coincidence that the sun is 400x the diameter of the moon.  But it is 400x farther away from earth.  So this relationship between size and distance allows the sun and moon to look the same size in the sky.  And Earth is the only planet in our solar system with a moon the proper size and distance to allow this phenomena to take place.  

On Wednesday morning, I was in Baton Rouge, LA when 85 mph winds blew and sideway rain poured.  As I looked out from the safety of my room I was amazed again at the power of nature - God's creation.  As I watched, the power went out.  But no fear, just amazement as I continued to watch the power of the storm.  Just INCREDIBLE!  There was property damage in the area.  But, luckily no one was seriously injured or worse.  

Finally, when flying home on Friday, as I looked out the window at the beauty, and variety of the vistas below me, I was once again in awe of God's creation.  The green fields, the rolling hills, the farms, lakes, and rivers.  Our flight pattern took us right over Williamson County and I thought how lucky, and thankful, I am to live in such a beautiful area.  Just INCREDIBLE!   David reminds us in Psalm 19:1:  "The heavens declare the glory of God: the skies proclaim the work of his hands".  

In the next couple of days, I encourage you to take a moment and just look around you.  Notice the beauty.  Your surroundings.  Nature.  And remember that all this was created just for you and me.  We are reminded that the best part of God's creation is the part that he created in His image - mankind - and He said it was very good!  You are the most beautiful part of His creation!  Just INCREDIBLE!   

This Sunday is going to be an awesome time.  Please join us for Bible Study at 9:30 and then Worship where we are going to look at another experience with the risen Savior - Breakfast on the beach.  Following Worship please join us for our Potluck lunch - a time of incredible food and wonderful fellowship.  Again, Just INCREDIBLE!  And Always Remember...

You ARE Loved!  

Pastor Lonnie 

"More in '24"

(You can reach Pastor Lonnie by calling or text 615-496-2502 or send an email to lonniecastle@gmail.com)




He Lives!!