It is the beginning of December and you can easily find yourself in the hustle and bustle of The Season. In just a week, we began the Celebration and Observance of Advent. We decorated the Church and made it look so festive. In the last 24 hours I have been to a Christmas Tree Lighting, sang carols, participated with Breakfast with Santa, and heading to a Christmas Parade. And it is only December 3.

It is easy to get caught up in all of the activity, the hustle and bustle, of the Holidays. And generally it is fun. However, let me encourage you, and myself, to find time during this special time of the year to focus on the reason we celebrate this incredible season...the ultimate gift of life, love, and hope...Immanuel. Take time to stop, reflect, and experience the refreshing and restoring "peace that passes all understanding"

As we are into the Holiday season I want to remind you of several ways you can make a difference. We are collecting, for the next few Sundays, toys, clothes, and food for GraceWorks and their "Manager" Ministry. Next Saturday, at Fairview Middle School, you can volunteer to help with the GraceWork Mobile Food Pantry. This is the last one of this year. Also, just a reminder that tithes, offerings, and gifts to the Church need to be received before December 31 to receive the tax contribution credit. I don't say much about tithing and that is because so many folks are so dedicated in their giving that our needs are met at FCC. The more that we receive the more that we can do and also help others. Tithing is about giving our "first fruits" to the Lord, and it is also giving our time and talents as well. Thank you to so many who give so generously.

Also, there are several who I really miss and have not seen for some time at Church. Please know, you are greatly missed, and you are greatly needed. What better time to get back into the habit of worshiping together than during the wonderful time of the Holidays. In this newsletter is a schedule of several upcoming events at FCC to celebrate "The Season". I personally want to invite you to join us in some or all of these special times. It is so much more fun and meaningful when you are here.

Finally, can you imagine how peaceful it must have been with just the sounds of the donkey's hooves clicking on the cobblestone as Mary and Joseph headed into Bethlehem. You can imagine the thoughts that were probably going through their minds. They both had been visited by angels and understood that something and someone special was about to enter their world. I am not sure they truly understood how our World would be changed and in such a powerful, positive way. Again, I challenge you to claim the "peace" that can only be found through the "Prince of Peace".

Please join us this Sunday as we continue celebrating Advent and anticipating the coming of the Messiah and the Prince of Peace. I really hope I see you there...

And Always Remember...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


"JOY TO THE WORLD" an unexpected Classic...
