Parades, Parties, Presents...Peace

Ready or not, the Holidays are here.  Can you believe that Christmas is less than three weeks away?  We are definitely in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the Season.  And I love it!  Decorating, lighting of Christmas Trees, parades, parties and more are all mixed in with our normal day to day activities.  And the energy, excitement, and anticipation continues to grow.  It truly can be a magical time for many!  

Sadly, that is not the case for all.  During this time I want to encourage each of us to intentionally take time to be still, to know, and to observe.  

  • Be still.  Intentionally take time each day to stop, pause, and focus on the reason this season is so special.  

  • Know.  To truly know someone you must intentionally spend time with them.  Spend time getting to know Christ, Immanuel, even better.  Knowing Him, even better and deeper than before, makes "The Season" even more special.  

  • Observe.  Take time to notice those around you.  There are those who get lost in all of the activity and even chaos of this special time.  Those who are just trying to endure and make it through this time.  Intentionally find someone that needs lifting up, encouraged, and/or loved.  Find someone who needs to know that they matter.  Then take time to give that special personal gift of recognition and affirmation.  And there may be an opportunity to even show it through actions. 

Most importantly, I encourage each of us to do this with a pure, intentional, motive.  Let our heart be filled full of unconditional, pure, love.   When we do this, we will experience the true excitement and purpose of why we Celebrate.  And we will experience a spirit of peace.

This is week two of Advent.  Our focus is on Peace.  I encourage you to read chapter 7 in the Gospel of Luke.  The message is one that reminds us of how and why our celebration of the reason of season is so special.  It gives us perspective.  The last verse of this chapter is a tender moment when Jesus is dining in the home of Simon, the Pharisee.  Suddenly, a woman of questionable character, who has recognized, respected, and revered who Jesus is "crashes" the party.  Intentionally going against all odds and even standard protocol, through her bold actions, she honors, anoints, repents, and worships Him.  Jesus ignores everyone around, and focusing only on her, lovingly says to her  "Your faith has saved you.  Go in peace".  I promise that she experienced the peace that passes all understanding, all while being lovingly restored to Life.   What a great gift!

Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called the children of God."  (Matthew 5:9)

I encourage you to enjoy the parades, the parties, and the presents.  But most of all, it is my prayer that during this Special Season, that you truly experience and even share with others the peace that passes all understanding from knowing the Prince of Peace!

I look forward to worshipping and celebrating with you tomorrow.  And more than ever, know that ...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie

"Celebrating 175 Years of Ministry" 


SURPRISE!! Good News... Great Joy!
