Have you ever been told, maybe you told yourself, to focus. Focus means the center of interest. It also means to see clearly. It is hard to believe that Easter is just around the corner. We are in a season that some participate in called "Lent". This is a time that allows us to focus on the meaning and ultimate gift of Easter. Many "give up" something that is supposed to remind us to focus on the gift of life through Christ.
Our world is filled with distractions that can easily keep us from having a clear view and focus on what is really important. So, in following the theme in Philippians, during this time of Lent, let us focus on Christ, and let's give love to others through actions that are meaningful and encouraging to others. May our vision be clear, our purpose intentional, and our center of interest to be more like Christ. This will help us to prepare not only for Easter, but to live, hopefully contagiously, with joy.
I hope to see you. It will bring me, and others, great joy! And always remember...
You ARE Loved!
Pastor Lonnie