Well, it is here. Our Welcome Back Weekend Week! I hope that you will take a look at the schedule of activities and participate. You can participate, even if you are out of town - like me, on Thursday night with our return of "RECHARGE" - our ZOOM "get together" at 7 pm. The link is in this Communicator. (Hope I see you.)

Why are we having "Welcome Back Week!?" This time of year is when "summer begins to wind down" and folks begin to get back into a routine. It is particularly true with Schools (public, private, and home), students, parents, and teachers. Plus it is a great time to refocus before the fall and have fun with our family, friends, and hopefully new friends.

I challenged us to have the most people that we have had for Worship on Sunday. August 14. This is a big challenge but I bet we can accomplish it ... but only if you participate, are present, plus invite and bring friends. And remember, we will be having a time of breaking bread together following the service - our Potluck. So stop what you're doing, right now, go to your calendar and circle the 14th in red and call at least two friends to come and join you.

Speaking of friends, they are so important in our lives. We were created for two specific reasons: one - Fellowship with God our Father, and two - Community! Without either of these, we are not really reaching our full potential or experiencing life to its fullest. As Randy Newman's song, from the classic movie "Toy Story", says "You've got a friend in me ... And as the years go by, our friendship will never die ... you've got a friend in me." I love that song (and now it's on your mind and you are smiling...)

Solomon reminds us "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time." Proverbs 17:17 HCSB Do you have one of those friends who is really "a brother from another mother" close? I hope so. I do, in fact I have several. And they are priceless! However, sometimes I take these folks for granted. And they are ok with that. But maybe I will surprise them today by calling, texting, or sending a note to a couple of them and tell them how much they mean to me. Of course, most of them will act like I'm crazy, it's no big deal, or that I have lost my mind ... or think that need something (lol). How about you? Do you have anyone you should let know that you care or appreciate?

In John's Gospel, chapter 15, Jesus commands us to love one another. And shares that if we obey his command then we are His friends. And that no one has greater love than to lay down his life for his friends ... and He did. What a friend we have in Jesus!

This Sunday, we will take a look at "The Power of Friendship". I hope you will join us Sunday. I look forward to seeing you. And I hope to see you during our "Welcome Back Week!"

And never forget...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie


I am a man of few words...