There is something about "Fall" (even though we are in the middle of August) that is exciting. This week we have been blessed with good weather. Last night I attended the first football game of the new season for Franklin High School. Several of our Church Family were doing the same at other schools - such as Fairview, etc. It actually felt like "football weather". There was an excitement of a new start or a new season. The burger, fresh off the grill, at the tailgate was delicious. Neighbors and friends were catching up and visiting. Then we headed into the stadium. The pregame pageantry was exciting and had the packed stands to their feet. The cheerleaders pumped up and led the crowd in affirming and encouraging the "Friday Night Warriors". The game was close. True fun and sportsmanship was shown by both teams and fans. It was a fun time!

We are experiencing several new and fresh starts at FCC. We had a wonderful week of fun activities as you can tell from the pictures. Many of us enjoyed the Sounds game (and some even got Hawaiian shirts), a few joined in on RECHARGE, our Worship last Sunday was special, being able to affirm and love on Henry as he prepares to head to College (as well as several others) and the Potluck was so delicious and fun. Last Wednesday, we hosted the GAMEDAY for the brand new HomeSchool support group headed by Charity Blount. (Did you see Ms. Carol and Ms. Marsha in the picture. They are right in the middle of the games. What a special treat for the attending children and their moms.) What a great outreach opportunity for our Church. And this is just the beginning of a fantastic Fall at FCC. Soon, a new Bible Study will be starting. A new play structure is coming in September. Music in the Vale is October 1 (less than 60 days away). And then we head into the Holidays.

What an exciting time at Fernvale Community Church. And what a fantastic time to invite your friends and neighbors to join us. Matt Blount has put the phrase on our new website "You belong here." I love that. It is my desire for folks to feel just that ... They belong at FCC! And YOU are one of the main reasons they will feel that way. Thank you for being the awesome person and family that you are!

This Sunday we will continue our look at Romans 12. "Transformed: Humbly Serve" is our theme. I hope you will join us. Also, rumor has it that the signal has been improved in Fernvale, so we are going to attempt to go live on Facebook. (Please pray that it is smooth and works.)


And never forget...

You ARE Loved!

Pastor Lonnie




I am a man of few words...