The Power of Prayer!

The Power of Prayer!  We hear about the power of prayer.  And many of us have experienced its power!  But what makes prayer powerful?  Simply it is truly focusing on, communicating with, speaking and listening to, distraction free, with our Heavenly Father.  Simply, powerful prayer is pure communication with God.

Do you know any true Prayer Warriors?  You know the ones who you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are taking the opportunity to make your situation a priority when they communicate with our Lord.  I hope you know at least one, if not more.  Miss Dillard, a tiny sweet lady in her 80s, was the ultimate Prayer Warrior - for me and many others.  She had a special needs adult daughter whom she cared for.  Her husband had passed years before. Her car was old, covered in dents, but still ran.  Her financial means were simple.   But despite these "could be life distractions", the one thing that you knew for sure was Ms. Birdie Dillard was praying for you!  And you did not even have to ask her.  What a giant!  What a blessing!

We have Prayer Warriors among us at FCC.  I have experienced the power of prayer this week in a very comforting and encouraging way.  I am actually writing these lines from my parents house in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Both of my sisters are here as well.  Early last week my Dad was taken to the hospital by ambulance.  Dad is 89 and almost 90.  His cognitive health is stellar but his physical body is slowly breaking down.  Not knowing the outcome, my Sisters and I decided we needed to come and be here for Mom and Dad.  I rejoice in sharing that Dad, even though there were heart issues, breathing issues, kidney issues, and even a slight case of pneumonia, is home, recovering, and headed in the right direction.   What started out as a time of unknown and concern has grown into reflections, memories, stories, smiles, and laughs.  Several of you knew what was happening and you bombarded me with prayer...and I felt, and still feel it!  Thank you!  (And please Keep Praying.)

Every week we include reasons to Celebrate and also folks that we can lift up and support in prayer.  There are many needs in our Church from many of our family.  I have shared with you that if you have a prayer list, please put my name on it, in dark "sharpie" permanent ink.  However, isn't it great that we can offer some of the greatest support and gifts of encouragement to one another simply by praying - really praying, focused, distracted free communication with God praying, for one another.  And the only thing that it requires is our desire, focus, and time.

I encourage you to give the gift of prayer to someone today.  It really is a difference maker!  And if you know of a Prayer Warrior in your life - Thank them!

“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)

Remember, YOU ARE  LOVED!

Pastor Lonnie

"More in 2024"

(You can reach Pastor Lonnie by calling or text 615-496-2502 or send an email to




Winter Wonderland!