The Influence of Hymns ...

Growing up in the Church and having a Dad who was a Pastor, as well as a Minister of Music, music has always been a huge part of my life.  Memories of singing from the Broadman, Baptist, New Baptist, Celebration, Praise Hymnals are so joyous in my development.  Back then, there were no screens,  no technology.  There were, however, songbooks - hymnals.   In our house growing up, music was always a big deal.  We had a baby grand piano.  Dad would sit down and just play, and play, and play.  And most of the songs were the "good ole hymns".  An interesting note, when my dad was younger he would play a pump organ at tent revivals throughout Southwest Virginia.  Recently on a visit to see my parents we convinced Dad, who is 89, to play the baby grand.  He did and it was beautiful.  

Music is powerful.  Recently in a conversation after Church, several of us were reminiscing about hymns that we remember and loved growing up.  One that was unanimous is,  "Holy, Holy, Holy".  Ironically it was hymn #1 in the Baptist and Methodist Hymnal.  (It is hymn #3 in our Celebration Hymnal.)  This is a special hymn and comes from two scriptures, one in the Old Testament, Isaiah 6:3 and one in the New Testament, Revelation 4:8.  Both of these Scriptures speak of seeing the Lord on His Throne with angels who continuously are calling back and forth "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty..."   In Hebrew, repetition expresses a superlative - really big and important.  "Holy, holy, holy" is the only superlative in Scripture that repeats three times, affirming that God is infinite, the Alpha and Omega, and is the Ultimate in Holiness.   In the Isaiah reference, the Lord asks "Whom shall I send?"  Isaiah replies, "Here I am.  Send me!"  In Revelation, we see an act of continuous worship and acknowledgement of the "awesomeness" of God, the Lord God Almighty.   The author of the hymn we sing, also speaks of the Trinity, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   This simple song is rooted in powerful Scriptures.  It allows us to worship our awesome, Heavenly Father.  Think about it next time you sing this hymn.  

We are so blessed in so many ways at FCC. Normally on Wednesday night, Michael Card  leads us in an incredible Bible Study.  This past week we finished the Gospel of Matthew, so before the next study begins, we are going to have a "Hymn Sing" led by Kenny Meeks and Michael Card.  This will be an incredible time of worship and praise as we sing together.  

This past Thursday our Ladies Book Club started with a great turn out.  Thanks to all who are participating, and especially Charity Blount, who had the vision and desire to make this monthly gathering happen.   

Next week is "Time Change Sunday" and we "spring forward" losing an hour.  So under the wisdom and guidance of Ms. Val and Ms. Marsha, we are going to move our Potluck to the following Sunday, March 17 - St. Patrick's Day.  (Theme:  "Irish" and "green").   Please plan to join us and bring whatever you would like to bring.  

I hope that you will join us on Sunday as we gather to Worship, Praise, Fellowship and Grow together.  And I pray that you will also answer as the prophet Isaiah, responding to the Lord, "Here am I, send me!"  Someone needs to hear...   

Remember, YOU ARE  LOVED!

Pastor Lonnie

"More in 2024"

(You can reach Pastor Lonnie by calling or text 615-496-2502 or send an email to


What a Crazy "Hump" Day ...


What a Wonderful World...